After commencement of second academic session since inception of this University,
the student strength in the campus has risen significantly. This capacity enhancement had put forward challenges on all fronts. I am pleased to note that the proactive approach of the committed team of University comprising of administrative
officials, faculty & staff members has been successful in negotiating these challenges satisfactorily as is evident from the strict adherence to the academic calendar and congenial ambience around in the campus. Initial troubles faced by the
University community due to deficient & old infrastructure and shortfall in human
resource are being looked into vigorously in the given constraints.
I wish to take this opportunity to call upon the all stakeholders to actively of technical education to aggressively contribute in strengthening the teaching learning
activities and enrichment of extracurricular activities for achieving requisite professional competence along with being a good human in the students of the University.
I congratulate the members of The Editorial Board and believe that this news letter will
help in meeting its’ objective of being a potential communicator with students and
other stakeholders for overall growth of the University as a hub for excellent technical education.
Jai Hind
Prof. Onkar Singh
I feel extremely delighted to share with the readers, release of the second issue of
monthly newsletter in September 2015, at our university portal in the shade of a
young, experienced, dynamic, visionary and scholarly vice-chancellor Prof. Onkar
Singh. Of course, we have been bringing out the same under the aegis of erstwhile
M.M.M. Engineering College, Gorakhpur dating back to April 2010, yet the specialty of the present issue is that it, besides providing the readers with the details
of information and activities of in and around the university, speaks a volume
about the destiny of the university. The student members of The Editorial Board deserve appreciation in carrying on “the old order change the yielding place to new”
with doubly increased energy and enthusiasm.
Dr. Arjun Dubey