Tips to Use Rose Geranium Oil | Page 2

• • • • • • • • You can also add few drops of rose geranium oil to your face creams. Lotions blended with this floral absolute oil will take care of the clogged pores of your skin. It also has the power to minimise the wrinkles and tightens the skin. Geranium oil can be mixed with carrier oils for clearing sluggish and oily skins. Mixing a few drops of geranium oil with a teaspoon of coconut oil can prevent dermatitis, acne and other skin diseases. Geranium can also be used as a topical solution to treat the soreness of breastfeeding. The oil when diluted in shampoo can deal with head lice. Due to its astringent properties, it can also be used as a muscle toner. Mixing a few drops of geranium with jojoba oil can take care of your muscles. Rose Geranium oil can also be used in burners and vaporisers. A vapour therapy using this oil can act as a general energising agent and help relieve tension, stress, anxiety, PMS, mild depression, and problems relating to menopause. Due to its diuretic properties, it can promote urination. Geranium oil can also fight throat and nasal infections. This uplifting floral absolute oil mix and blends well with other essential oils such as basil, angelica, carrot seed, cedarwood, bergamot, lavender, lime, rosemary, orange, jasmine, grapefruit etc. There are several companies that sell online floral absolute oils. However, the big question lies in the reliability. Therefore, to obtain optimum benefits, it is important to use floral absolute oils in their purest form.