Tips to Use Rose Geranium Oil

Tips to Use Rose Geranium Oil An uncommon Pelargonium species, rose geranium belongs to the geranium family. The plant is characterised by spiky leaves, pinkish-white blossoms with purple markings on it. There are about 700 different varieties of rose geranium. As the normal geranium produces too little oil during the extraction, we have only 10 variety of the plant that supplies floral absolute oils in ample quantity. The essential oil is obtained via steam distillation. The rose geranium oil has a watery viscosity and is usually colourless to a little greenish colour. This essential oil is quite abundant and is the most sought after among the aroma therapists and perfumers. Due to its fresh sweet lemony aroma, it has been widely used for making various alluring perfumes. The oil stimulates the adrenal cortex and possesses an overall balancing effect that not only stretches out to skin but also the hormonal system. However, it is always advisable to use certified organic oils to obtain optimum benefits. Ways to Use Rose Geranium Oil • • • The best way to use the rose geranium oil is to use it as an aroma diffuser. The aroma of this floral absolute oil is flowery and herbaceous and is adorned by a number of people. You can use a drop or two alongside lavender or bergamot essential oils in your aroma diffuser. This not only makes the environment aromatic but also stimulates the feeling of tranquillity and positivity. You can topically apply rose geranium oil as a pack or in the bathing water or with a diffuser. Geranium oil diluted in the bathing water can prevent shingles, eczema, bruises, fluid retention, menstrual irregularities etc. Take two drops of rose geranium oil on your palm. Directly breathe inward to uplift your mood, state of mind, and soul.