Tips To Surviving Pregnancy With Comfort Tips To Surviving Pregnancy With Comfort | Page 3

A long chain of omega 3 fatty acids are very essential during pregnancy and this is why doctors’ advice pregnant woman to consume rich sources of these. A healthy option is to eat salmon which is abundant in omega 3 fatty acids. These have DHA and EPA which contribute to the healthy development of the fetus. Also during pregnancy women are advised to increase their vitamin A consumption by 10– 40%. This vitamin A that has beta-carotene when converted inside the body is fundamental for fetal development. However, in most cases, doctors’ advice to not eat excess animal-based sources of vitamin A as these can cause toxicity. The alternative to this is consuming sweet potatoes that have fiber and is a rich source of beta carotene. Lifestyle 3. Do Not Worry about Weight Gain or Loss Often you might gain a lot of weight, while certain women during the first trimester end up gaining no weight. However, the trick is to not worry; do not stress yourself as no two bodies are the same. Just ensure to talk to your gynecologist about the required changes to be made for facilitating healthy weight gain. 4. Exercise Do baby yoga, drink lots of water and partake in moderate exercises to boost up energy levels when down. Just do not over the stain and partake in extensive cardio. Rather invest in a personal trainer or consult your gynecologist on the various steps to take for staying fit during the gestation period. Working out moreover helps to kill pregnancy blues while ensuring that you do not feel uncomfortable about your body.