Timeless May 2020 | Page 24

BEFORE YOU TRAVEL TIPS Here are some recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to consider before you head out on your next adventure. First, know your health status Work with your doctor to evaluate your health, or the health of those traveling with you, by using the guide below. In general, you should not travel by plane if you: • Have recently had any type of surgery, especially stomach, brain, eye, or orthopedic (bone or joint) sur- gery. Check with your doctor to see when it is safe for you to travel. • Have had a recent heart attack or stroke • Are suffering from: ◦ Chest pain, pneumothorax, or a severe chronic respiratory disease ◦ Severe sinus, ear, or nose infection ◦ Any disease that you can easily spread to other people ◦ A fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or great- er ◦ Swelling of the brain caused by bleeding, injury, or infection ◦ Sickle cell disease ◦ Uncontrolled psychotic illness Special considerations • If you’re traveling with a disabil- ity, a weakened immune system, or a chronic illness, make sure you talk to your doctor and take extra steps to ensure a safe and healthy trip. • If you’re pregnant, be sure to talk with your doctor before making any travel decisions. Pregnant women over 36 weeks may not be able to travel by plane. • Talk to your doctor if you have blood clots, including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) or pulmonary embolism (PE). Airplane travel, espe- cially flights longer than 4 hours, may increase the risk for DVT or PE. ◦ You are at increased risk for blood clots, DVT, or PE if you: ▪ Have had DVT/PE in the past ▪ Have a family history of blood clots ▪ Have had recent surgery (espe- cially abdominal or orthopedic) ▪ Are pregnant, are postpartum, or are taking birth control pills or hor- mone replacement therapy ▪ Are a smoker ▪ Are overweight (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) 24• ▪ Have cancer, restricted move- ment, or a blood-clotting problem Check your destination and see a doctor before you go Check your destination for con- cerns to be aware of before you leave. Depending on where you’re going and what you’ll be doing, you may need vaccinations, medicines, and destina- tion-specific advice before your trip. See your doctor at least a month before you go CDC websites provide rec- ommendations, but CDC cannot give you specific medical advice. Recommendations for vaccines and medicines depend on many factors that are specific to each person. You should let your doctor know that you are planning a trip at least 4 weeks before departure to be sure you can get the vaccines and medications you need. • Be sure to give your doctor the following information about your trip so they can assess your risks: ◦ Where you are traveling to ◦ When you are leaving ◦ The length of your trip ◦ What types of activities you might do ◦ Other personal matters such as your age, allergies, medical and vac- cine history, and prior travel experi- ence • Follow the advice of your doctor by getting the vaccines and medicines that are recommended for you. ◦ Make sure that you are up to date with all of your routine vaccinations, including measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and a seasonal flu vaccine. ◦ Consider any recommended trav- el vaccines for your destination. Plan ahead for injuries. Consider insurance Know the different types of insur- ance. Travelers are responsible for hospital and other medical expenses incurred during their trip. Be prepared to pay out of pocket at the time you receive any medical services while abroad or if you cancel plans while traveling, even if you do have insur- ance. • Trip Cancellation Insurance: Trip cancellation insurance covers your financial investment in your trip, such as flights, cruises, and/or train tickets. ◦ Carefully examine the policy to make sure it covers your needs, including cancellation if you or a close family member gets sick. • Travel Health Insurance: If you need to go to a hospital or clinic overseas, you may need to pay out of pocket for any services, which could be very expensive. ◦ Check your health insurance plan to see if it covers potential health needs abroad. ◦ If your insurance doesn’t cover you while you’re traveling, consider purchasing additional insurance. ◦ If you plan to participate in adventure activities, such as scuba diving or hang gliding, you may need additional extreme sports insurance. • Medical Evacuation Insurance: If you are traveling to a remote destina- tion or to a place with limited medical capabilities or accessibility, consider buying medical evacuation insurance. This kind of insurance will cover the cost of transporting you to other parts of a country or outside the country if you are seriously ill or injured. ◦ It can be purchased separately or as part of your travel health insurance policy. ◦ It will pay for emergency trans- portation from a remote area to a hos- pital. ◦ Ensure that the policy provides a 24-hour physician support center for you to contact in an emergency. Pack smart I. Pack a travel health kit Prescription medicines • Your prescriptions • Travelers’ diarrhea antibiotic • Medicines to prevent malaria Medical supplies • Glasses and contacts • Medical alert bracelet or necklace • Diabetes testing supplies • Insulin • Inhalers • EpiPens Over-the-counter medicines TIMELESS MERIDIAN