Timeless May 2020 | Page 23

VAN GOGH, MONET, DEGAS, AND THEIR TIMES: THE MELLON COLLECTION OF FRENCH ART FROM THE VIRGINIA MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS Claude Monet (1840–1926), Field of Poppies, Giverny, 1885. oil on canvas, 23.625 x 28.75 in. Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mellon, 85.499. Image © Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. ADVANCE ON Hearin SALE MSMUSEUMART.ORG The 17th presentation in the TICKETS Annie Laurie Swaim SPRING/SUMMER 2020 The presentation of this exhibition in Jackson, Mississippi is sponsored by the Robert M. Hearin Support Foundation. Memorial Exhibition Series MISSISSIPPI MUSEUM of ART 380 SOUTH LAMAR STREET  DOWNTOWN JACKSON 366929-1 DENTURES OR MISSING TEETH? Asif Lala DMD, MD NEW CONFIDENCE WITH DENTAL IMPLANTS eastmsoralsurgery.com • 601.485.2494 www.meridianstar.com 373786-1 •23