Timeless March 2020 | Page 5

Introducing... Timeless Meridian E ach year when we publish our “Top twenty under 40” edition of Meridian Home & Style Magazine recognizing the area’s top “movers and shakers” under age 40, I am constantly asked, “What about those of us 50 and older? When are you going to recognize us?” It is with great pleasure that we introduce the premiere issue of Timeless Meridian, a publication which celebrates the area’s 50 and older crowd (one I am proud to also be a member). This publication will feature older adults representing a wide range of living: from the “50s are the New 30s” to the “Hip Sage” who are staying smart, cool and competitive in their Golden Years to those who are “Aging Gracefully” and sharing their invaluable wisdom and life skills with their grandchil- dren and others seeking their guid- ance. Today’s seniors are living extraor- dinary lives, redefining the concept of aging. No longer content to rest on their laurels and await the inevitable, they are productive and engaged members of society who continue to set and pursue goals and dreams. From traveling, embarking on educa- tional opportunities and new careers, engaging in a wide range of social activities and, yes, volunteering, today’s older adults are doing it all. And we intend to showcase that in Timeless Meridian. This publication not only will be informative, but also On the Cover TIMELESS MERIDIAN inspirational. Fun, as well as func- tional. As evidence by our cover photo, a number of older adults are putting on boxing gloves and dealing with the progression of Parkinson’s dis- ease with the Rock Steady Boxing program at Anderson Health & Fitness Center. The non-contact, boxing-inspired fitness program is designed specifically for those with the progressive disease. Another group of older adults is keeping sharp while building social connections with the ancient Chinese game Mahjong. According to Anne Meyer, who has been playing weekly with a group of friends for more than 20 years, to play the game you have to be engaged in what you are doing. In other words, you have to think. For more than 25 years, Meridian Activity Center has helped adults 21 and older: keep up with the latest technology with computer classes; stay fit with yoga, strength training, seated exercise, Tai Chi and other exercise regimens; learn or main- tain skills such as sewing, quilting, smocking, crochet and knitting; develop their artistic talents through art, stained glass and floral design, ceramics and painting classes; or just hang out and enjoy a game of pool, cards, board games, dominoes and other activities. And for those who like to get away, the Meridian Community College program Lifetime Quest pro- vides enrich- ment activ- ities, events and travel adventures for retire- ment-age res- idents in East Mississippi and West Alabama. Timeless Meridian also includes “In Every Issue” articles on nutrition, fitness, finance, mental health and more. Some of the area’s active vol- unteers will share their enthusiasm for giving back in Golden Threads and you don’t want to miss out who’s sharing their favorite recipes in “In the Kitchen With …” And we’re just getting started. We hope Timeless Meridian will be among your favorite local pub- lications. And to make sure of it, we encourage your input. We are looking for “active” seniors who are living life to the fullest and giving back to the community. If you know someone you think fits this descrip- tion, please send their name, a brief profile about them and your tele- phone number to: Timeless Meridian, Attn: Ida Brown, The Meridian Star, 814 22nd Ave., Meridian, MS 39301. Or, you can email to ibrown@the- meridianstar.com Looking forward to hearing from you! — Ida Brown TIMELESS MERIDIAN March 2020 PUBLISHER — Bill Atkinson EDITOR — Dave Bohrer COORDINATOR/WRITER — Ida Brown ADVERTISING SALES — Queen Jackson, Lisa Webb ROCK STEADY Boxing program gives hope to Parkinson’s fighters Mahjong: More than a game for players You’re never too late to start a fitness plan ... and more! A publication of The Meridian Star PAGE 6: Parkinson’s patients fighting the disease through boxing program CONTRIBUTING WRITERS — Monique Harrison-Henderson, Glenda Sanders PHOTOGRAPHER — Paula Merritt GRAPHIC DESIGNER — Helen C. Reynolds TIMELESS MAGAZINE — 814 22nd Ave., Meridian, MS, 39301 — 601.693.1551 — Advertising information, [email protected] Timeless is published six times a year and is a publication of The Meridian Star. Annual subscriptions are $24. To subscribe, email [email protected] •5