Immigration Restrictions:
As we all know, waves of immigrants have been coming into our Nation since the colonial era, but lately the amounts of people seeking for safety, new jobs, and reuniting with family members in America has truly increased. Because of our rapid urbanization and industrialization, many immigrants came, and are coming in, from Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe, mainly settling in urban cities in order to easily get a job. Too much hatred has been focused on immigrants in the past years, and this has only cause unneeded tension. The fact that our Congress is listening to the population’s nativist desires is reassuring but at the same time morally wrong. Passing acts such as the Immigration Act of 1924 proves us that our federal government is working towards granting America’s wishes, but i’m begging you to change your mind and stop Congress from passing laws as this one. Limiting the number of immigrants allowed to entry the United States through a national origins quota is selfish and immoral. These people are working hard, leaving their loved ones behind, in order to find a better life in the so called “land of the free”, but we’re not allowing them to do it. I would understand if we had a problem of overpopulation, which at the moment is only present in
metropolises such NYC, but the fact that the real reasons why we’re not giving these people a chance to a better life is just that we’re afraid that they’re to steal our jobs is unbelievable. We should work harder and be inspired by these people. The fact that they’re getting the job with the little English that they know, while we’re still waiting in line to be even considered, should open our eyes. Let’s not get in the way of the ones that are working hard trying to succeed, but rather work our way to the top with them.
I walked away from my land,
Said goodbye to my friend,
Took my kids to the port
While my wife was my only support.
Spent days and nights hoping for something better,
But once we reached the land of freedom hatred began.
Calling us names, without giving us jobs,
They were all snobs.
They passed some acts, trying to keep others out
And finally i had no doubt.
1921 Congress considered us “undesirable”,
But all we were doing was keeping their economy durable.
- Ludovica Villa