TIME AFTER TIME. One. | Page 17

The atrocity exhibition

J G Ballard’s The Atrocity Exhibition comes to mind as discussions about President Trump circulates in our every day lives. So we thought that it would be fitting to re-write Ballard’s iconic “Why I want to fuck Ronald Reagan” chapter from the book as “Why I want to fuck Donald Trump”.

Ballard was inspired to write about Ronald Reagan because he was interested in the novelty of film stars and other high profile celebrities entering politics. Reagan’s stint as the governor of California give him ample airtime on British television. Ballard was taken back by his right-wing speeches and saw a sordid, yet ambitious figure who resonated with the crime boss he had played in 1964’s “The Killers”.

Reagan’s speeches appeared to be more similar to sales pitches rather than the broadcasts of other presidential candidates. He was well aware of the fact that his TV audience would not be listening too closely to his right-wing agenda.

“I want to fuck Ronald Reagan” was marked as “obscene material” and was taken to trial. Ballard’s defence lawyer asked him why he felt that his piece was not obscene; to which he replied

“Of Course its obscene, and intended to be so”

Any of this sound familiar?