Timber iQ October - November 2017 // Issue: 34 | Page 31

The Light of Life chapel in South Korea.
Unlike cut wood that is laid down horizontally, all trunks are standing upright like the trees of the forest; 834 pieces, all different, seem to tell the story of the resurrection.
in the Pantheon of Rome and other structures of the Renaissance, which in itself, represents the entire world. It also refers to the Celestial vault mentioned in Genesis, a mystical form between‘ the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament’. This form is some ways the negative of a globe that could be the Earth, in mathematics it would be the topological space; it could also be the image of divine perfection. The surface of the dome is formed by the ends of the cut red cedar trunks. Unlike cut wood that is laid down horizontally, all trunks are standing upright like the trees of the forest; 834 pieces, all different, seem to tell the story of the resurrection.
This is not wood, they are trees. The ability for this project to use the wood in its natural state, relies on the Danpal roofing system that was installed to provide complete protection against UV and the external elements. To suspend this mass and form the dome, it took a lot of strength. The logs resting on the ground serve as poles which carry a steel grid structure. At each intersection a
tree trunk is suspended. A lower structure made of finer steel lines, warns of any rocking motion and supports the depth of the dome. It is through this wood and steel structure that light passes, as the whole is covered by a completely independent glass pyramid. This light is coloured by the wood and seems to acquire a body, a gravity.
The church service is oriented towards the carrier of the word( the pastor) and towards music( the choir). It is through the reintroduction of images, stories and symbols that we have tried to find in this place and for all visitors, the emotions related to spirituality, the sacred and the divine.
Dayne Scrowther from Danpal.
Danpal South Africa brings this same technology, providing unique system based solutions for roofing, cladding, facades, interiors and outdoor shading. Dayne Scrowther, is an architectural consultant, who represents Danpal in South Africa and is responsible for developing the local market.
Find Danpal at: 14 Staal Street, Kya Sand, Randburg, Gauteng Cell: + 27( 0) 61 465 5676 Email: daynes @ danpal. com