Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tamuz | July 2024 | Page 15

A few days later we happened to watch “ A Man Called Otto ,” starring Tom Hanks as a grouchy , angry , disillusioned old man . Soberingly , it reminded me of myself . By the end of the film I had some useful takeaways . ( 1 ) Don ’ t sweat the big stuff . Keep extending unseen heart gestures to people in need , for whom it makes a difference . ( 2 ) In the end it ’ s not about organization . It ’ s about genuine relationships .
What Surprise Situation Challenges You ?
Is someone you love navigating long term disability or illness ? Are you , a spouse , or an adult child unemployed ? Are there extreme demands placed on your patience , your need to serve selflessly ? Are you facing unforeseen circumstances ? In many ways this is the condition of humanity .
August 7 Peace . Strangely . Plans turned inside out by Connie ’ s broken arm . Suddenly there ’ s time . A lot more of it . Not quite like Corona ( COVID ), but somehow similar . No need to go anywhere . The pace has slowed way down .
Feels good . Staying with my beloved even though I want so much to be at our youth summer camp . At peace about not going . She ’ s happy , feels preferred . Which is essentially satisfying and fun , even .
Yes , we rejoice for the good times , our health , financial blessing , new babies born , open doors of business and ministry . But the expectation that life will be a “ bowl of cherries ” is unreal and unscriptural . Our biblical heroes ALL faced crises . All felt they were in deep water “ over their heads .”
I encourage you to call on the One who has suffered more than any of us . He has “ borne your griefs and carried your sorrows .” He aims to mold you , using situations you can ’ t handle to make you more like Him . “ Cast your burden on the LORD , and He shall sustain you ” ( Psalm 55:22 ).
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