Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Tamuz | July 2024 | Page 12




eitan shishkoff
A Rude but Necessary Awakening
One phone call changed my life .
The phone call came from my wife , Connie . She fell coming out of a produce market and likely had broken her right arm . I rushed there to find her dazed , sitting on the sidewalk surrounded by concerned bystanders . The first x-ray showed a spiral fracture of the humerus ( main bone in the upper arm ) requiring a cast . Connie is a right handed artist .
What a blow . But that was only the beginning . It was August 3 , 2023 .
Countless consultations , x-rays , a plastic brace , pain meds , and more details than you want to hear followed . Weeks grew into months . Finally , an orthopedic specialist told us , “ The arm is not healing on its own . I strongly recommend surgery . We will reconnect the bone using a stainless steel plate .” Oy !
So , on November 22 the surgery took place . Post-op , the arm had to remain immobilized . She had to sleep sitting up . Even getting dressed and showering were impossible unaided .