Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Sh'vat | January 2024 | Page 18



As likened to a Theophany , a “ Christophany ” deals with an appearance of the God of Israel in the form of a man in the Hebrew Scriptures . Asher Intrater of Tikkun Global has written extensively on this subject , specifically culminating in his book “ Who Ate Lunch with Abraham .” This has been central to his instruction of those of us among his students for nearly 20 years .
In Rabbinic Judaism , many of the prominent commentators often struggle with the literal readings of the texts that describe the God of Israel in a human form or in human terms . Onkelos , a commentator on the Torah from the first century , avoids translating all words in Hebrew into Aramaic that have any human qualities . Thus , in his translation , “ appears ” becomes “ was revealed ”, “ says ” becomes “ makes known ” and “ hears ” becomes “ understands ”. Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon , also known as Maimonides ( 1138-1204 ), applies the same principle in doing all that he can to explain away the “ humanity ” of the figure that so often speaks in the name of יְהוָה ( Adonai ) and demands worship .
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