Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Nisan | April 2024 | Page 7

No one wants to stay trapped dwelling on their past trauma . And when they do , it can typically result in even greater anguish of both mind and soul . There are numerous examples of how traumatic experiences become part of the inseparable narrative of a people :
Native Americans Displaced and Irradiated through War and Disease Slavery and mistreatment of African Americans in early U . S . history Terrorist Attacks of 9-11
And of course for the Jewish people , the most impacting tragedy of all were the pogroms and death camps of the Holocaust . We recall these horrors with phrases like , “ never again ” or “ never forget .”
The principal theme of the entire Passover Haggadah ( literally telling ) is found in the following passage : " In every generation each man must regard himself as though he left Egypt ." The Jewish people are challenged to remind themselves continually that the pursuit of freedom for the oppressed is never ended . One should never take freedom for granted . It is a perpetual reminder to cherish liberty .
God redeemed the Hebrews so that they could be His people and He would be their God . This is both a privilege and an obligation . Several times in the Torah , the Jewish people are exhorted to , “ remember that you were slaves .” Why would Moses command the Hebrews to remember their painful years of servitude ?
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“ Moses said to the people , “ Remember this day , on which you came out from Egypt , out of the house of bondage . For by a strong hand Adonai brought you out from this place . No hametz may be eaten .” ( Exodus 13:3 TLV )
And later , as the Hebrews completed their 40 years of wandering in the desert , Moses instructed , “ You must remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt , and Adonai your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm . Therefore Adonai your God commanded you to keep Yom Shabbat .” ( Deuteronomy 5:15 TLV )
Most of those preparing to enter the land of Canaan did not even remember being a slave because they were born in the wilderness ! They were born free .