Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Kislev | December 2024 | Page 16

New Covenant Jews Testify to God ’ s faithfulness : When a Jewish disciple of Yeshua is immersed into the unpronounced Name of the God of Israel ( YHVH ) — the Father , the Son , and the Holy Spirit and continues to live as a Jew , it is a testimony to the faithfulness of God to preserve Israel as unique people . Two times in the promise of the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31:31-37 ( ESV ), God promises to preserve Israel as a distinct people ( vs . 36-37 ). As the Maccabees were willing to shed their blood to preserve Jewish identity l ’ dor v ’ dor , so the Jewish Messiah was willing to shed His blood to ratify the New Covenant , which was for Israel ’ s ultimate and eternal salvation and preservation as a royal priesthood ! In addition , He also died to redeem and preserve a royal priestly group from every people , nation , tribe , and language forever and ever ( Rev . 7:4-10 )!
As a Gentile of the Nations , what does this mean for us who are not Jews ?
Let me put this personally …
Valuing Jewish identity is never devaluing my Gentile identity as a person from the Nations : The more clearly we as Gentiles of the Nations can perceive the value of Jewish identity according to God ’ s word , the more deeply we can be affirmed by God ’ s love in our Gentile identity as people of the Nations .
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