Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Issue 21 Iyyar | May 2023 | Page 24

We might know that the Lord has called us to a certain ministry , or to bring forth a prophetic word during a Shabbat service , or to volunteer our talents to serve the Body of Messiah . Yet , how often do we hesitate , delay , or even flat-out refuse to do His will ? We may think things like , “ What if I make a mistake ? Or “ I look silly ?” Or someone gets offended ? Or “ If I do this I ’ ll have to give up my time ?” Or “ if I do this will it cost me my money ?” When God puts something inside of us , He does so for a purpose . He wants His investments to grow , but when we bury the investments He has made in our lives , He is not pleased . If we fear using what He has given us , we need to repent for not trusting Him to guide and refine us along the way . If it ’ s because of selfishness , we need to repent for loving ourselves ( and our luxuries ) more than we love God . Then we need to trust and surrender . Our lives are not our own . None of us even knows if our hearts will beat the next beat . Only He knows , and He is the one who provides the ability for our hearts to keep beating .
In summary , it can be helpful to see the difference between things that are buried verses those things that are hidden this way :
Buried Hidden
Done by man out of self protection Done by God to cultivate
Squelches the gift Makes the gift grow
The gift is wasted
The gift still trickles out even before maturity
Motivated by fear , selfishness Motivated by God ’ s protection
Shows a lack of trust in God Requires trust in God
Displeasing to God Pleasing to God
Suffocating and dead
Exciting and dynamic
I pray that as you examine your walk with the Lord , you will be sensitive to His leading and trust Him with every piece of your life . When He chooses to hide something , may it remain hidden until its due season . But when He wants to showcase something in you , don ’ t bury it ! Let your light shine before men that they may glorify the Lord as they see you do all those good works that He prepared in advance for you to do ! ( Matt . 5:16 )
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