Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Issue 21 Iyyar | May 2023 | Page 23

The concern was that if the farmhands removed the weeds , they might accidentally uproot some of the wheat as well ( Matt . 13:29-30 ). Later , as Yeshua explains that the weeds are representative of the sins of the evil one ( planted by the devil ), and the wheat are the sons of God ’ s Kingdom ( planted by Yeshua ), we can more fully understand the concept that God chooses to conceal what things are at their core until the right time , and until those things have come into their fullness . In this case , it ’ s the condition of people ’ s hearts at the end of the age .
God chooses to conceal portions or certain phases of who we are in Him , or what He has for us to do for a season . He keeps portions or the fullness hidden until just the right time for it to be released and to be used . He hides it to protect what He has sown and what He is cultivating , because He knows that at the harvest , these things have reached their maturity . Before they mature , they are more vulnerable to the threats and schemes of the enemy to twist , pervert , water down , or pollute what God has planted within us .
In speaking about the destiny and calling which God has given each of us , He tells us that we are literally His works of art , and that we are destined to exist through Yeshua to accomplish things which He already planned , and even prepared for us a long time ago . ( Ephesians 2:10 )
God chooses to conceal portions or certain phases of who we are in Him , or what He has for us to do for a season .
Things which are Buried
When it comes to things which are buried , this must be seen as the work of man . We can so easily bury what God has put inside of us , mostly out of fear and selfishness . Think of the parable about the man who buried the money which his Master had entrusted to him .
As believers in Yeshua , we are all here for a purpose and we all have a destiny in the Lord . But often the pieces of what that destiny is or what it will look like , whether in part or in its fullness , can be hidden from us . We may understand or even see ourselves functioning in part of what God has prepared for us , but I doubt we could recognize its fullness before He grows it to maturity within us . Similar to the wheat field and the hearts of mankind ,
When the Master returned from His journey to collect His investment , the man who buried the money said , “ So I was afraid , and I went off and hid your talent in the ground . See , you have what is yours .” ( Matt . 25:25 , TLV ). In response , the Master was furious that the servant literally did nothing with what the Master entrusted to him , and the consequence for his inaction was eternal .
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