Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Issue 20 Nisan | April 2023 | Page 23

The two of us walked along the many rows of graves . My wife repeated the words of the prophet , Hosea , “ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge .” ( Hosea 4:6 TLV ). Numerous times in the Tanakh , Israel not only rejected Adonai as their God , but also His Word . In the same way today , most of the Jewish population continues to reject Yeshua as their Messiah .
“ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge .”
This is the great battle we face in the Messianic community . As per the Aleinu , our calling is our task . We have accepted this great role in Messiah ’ s body , even if it isn ’ t popular in most circles .
After we left the Bonaventure Cemetery , we toured Congregation Mickve Israel , one of the oldest Reform synagogues in the country . They not only welcomed us , but even invited us back for Shabbat , which we plan to do when we return . Only one member of the Synagogue staff knew about our faith in Yeshua , but this was not necessary to reveal to the others during our first time there . Sometimes , the Lord empowers His children to be silent with our words , but loud with our actions . This allows Yeshua to reallocate our strengths for the immediate needs of who He wants to demonstrate His love to . Although , this was not what Adonai wanted us to do at that moment .
After a short period of expressing our love for Israel and conversing with the woman we had just met at the synagogue about the Torah , she said , “ You know more than most . How do you know all of this ?” I replied , “ I am a rabbinical intern and my wife is Jewish and of Sephardic heritage .” I expected her to maybe stop talking to us , and she did , but I continued as the Spirit led . As I spoke about Yeshua ’ s great love for her , I noticed tears in her eyes .