Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | Page 9

We tend to think that saying “ yes ” to God ’ s calling means that we will be given a task that everyone will notice and exclaim , “ Wow , what an amazing calling that person has !” We want to be put high on a trophy case on display to everyone else - “ This is what I ’ ve done for God . See the calling and impact He ’ s given me !”
True surrender to God involves giving up the need for a big calling . You never know the impact that you will have by simply serving others wherever God places you .
Yeshua was sent to be king , yet He spent the brevity of His life in ministry on earth serving others , bringing comfort to the hurting , and healing to the sick .
He washed feet . Before Yeshua was lifted up in glory , for our sake He was lifted up in anguish and suffering on the cross .
Most of us don ’ t receive a clear unction in the Spirit for a grand calling . If we are so focused on that , we might miss the daily availability we need to minister to and serve those around us .
What God does through you because of your availability is not for you , but for Him to reveal His Glory to others . You will indeed benefit and be transformed in the process , but His calling upon your life never ends with you .
So as you enter this month of Elul , prayerfully consider what Adonai might have you “ give up ”. Make yourself available to Him in humble surrender , and you will experience the joy of life that is fully His !
" Therefore , since we have such a great cloud of witnesses surrounding us , let us also get rid of every weight and entangling sin . Let us run with endurance the race set before us , focusing on Yeshua , the initiator and perfecter of faith . For the joy set before Him , He endured the cross , disregarding its shame ; and He has taken His seat at the right hand of the throne of God ." - Hebrews 12:1-2 TLV
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Benjamin Juster Editor in Chief