Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | Page 8

“ IF ”. . . Such a word of possibility and opportunity . I read the “ IF ” as if it is shouting in big , bold , capital letters . The other side of this “ IF ” is fraught with risk of falling out of step with Messiah , spiraling into self preservation and isolation from Him .
You can go through life as a believer in Yeshua without embracing the cost of discipleship . You may be “ saved ” from eternal judgment , but you will miss the calling and purpose of God in your life .
Salvation is the lowest rung of relationship with Yeshua . If we stop growing after the point of salvation , our life patterns and pursuits reveal that we only care about ourselves and our personal condition in eternity . We don ’ t really care about intimacy with Messiah or ministering to those who are perishing all around us .
Many of us are too busy for the Kingdom . We try to be involved in everything for “ FOMO ” ( Fear of Missing Out ). But it has been said that the Kingdom of God is built through our evenings and weekends — our “ free time .”
What is “ free time ” anyway ? Usually , we define “ free time ” as the time that is not governed by a boss , a parent , or teacher . Most squander this precious time on activities that produce little impact on spirituality and relationships .
Availability is often inconvenient . We rationalize our unavailability to minister to others by saying things like :
“ I can ’ t stop to help that person because I ’ ll be late for work ”.
“ I can ’ t comfort and minister to that person tonight or I won ’ t get to bed on time . I ’ ve got school tomorrow morning .”
“ I can ’ t go on that international mission trip because I only get two weeks of vacation from my job .”
Give Up Unhealthy Ambition
“ Then Jacob and John , the sons of Zebedee , come up to Him , saying , “ Teacher , we want You to do for us whatever we ask of You .” And He said to them , “ What do you want Me to do for you ?” They said to Him , “ Let us sit , one on Your right and one on Your left , in Your glory .” Mark 10:35-36 TLV
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