It is important to periodically describe the joy , privilege , and fulfillment of being in full time ministry . I remember being challenged in High School at a camp experience when one of the speakers spoke of his calling and how a text struck him , “ Woe is me if I preach not the Gospel ” ( 1 Cor . 9:16 , KJV ). It resonated within me and was the beginning of pursuing this as a real possibility for my own life . We are called to present a life of ministry as being attractive , not in a carnal way , but in a wonderfully spiritual way . There is great joy and deep fulfillment in full time ministry , the study of the Word , and our effect on people . It is a great privilege .
12:31 and is best stated as , “ Build a covenant-love discipling-community under an eldership .” Building a healthy congregational community depends on maintaining healthy leadership . New generations require new generations of leadership . The expansion of the Kingdom of God through congregations requires an expansion in congregation leadership . This brings us to the challenge . Every congregational leader needs to look over his congregation , look at those from High School age to young adults , from 14-30 , and bring conviction to them to seek God if they possibly might be called to full time ministry and to one or more of the ascension gift ministries .
We have an advantage because we can teach on the five ascension gifts by which people exercise their ministry callings . What does each look like individually and sometimes in combination ? Why is there such joy when ministry is done right in His Spirit ? Then we need to show that God will supply all their material needs as they walk in faithfulness .
We in the Messianic Jewish world are in great need of new full time ministry leaders in all of the five gift areas . I urge you to all make this a strong emphasis in our congregations . We have discipleship and have our Messianic Jewish Bible Colleges and Seminaries . We now just need the future leaders to begin to train and pursue this course .
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