Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | Page 27

However , Bright and Cunningham were balanced and correct in their perspective . It was really a restatement of the Reformed Christian view of culture and society . The Reformed called the seven mountains the different spheres . In the seven mountains teaching , the religion mountain is one of the seven mountains . For followers of Yeshua the religion mountain is the Body of the Messiah . It is the highest of the mountains , and if it is not healthy and solid , then the right effect on the other six mountains cannot be sustained .
Why do I say this ?
Yeshua taught that He would establish his Kehilah ( Congregational Community ), and the Gates of Hell would not prevail against it ( Matt . 16:18 ). Yeshua ’ s congregational community , as expressed in gatherings of His followers under the oversight of elders and linked together by fivefold leadership and mutual accountability is the only institution that is promised this level of power over the enemy of our souls . All the writings of the New Covenant Scriptures were written for congregations . The letters within the New Covenant Scriptures are therefore addressed to congregations or to overseers of those congregations as seen in Timothy , Philemon , and Titus . The command given to the Emissaries to disciple all nations was carried out through their work of planting congregations .
The primary manifestation of the Kingdom of God in this age is through congregations that are the discipling centers of Yeshua . Therefore , it is very clear that congregations through their leaders teach the people how to live as disciples of Yeshua . This includes discipling on how to live in congregations together , marriage and family , financial responsibility with tithing and giving , and even the basic principles of how to be faithful in callings to the six other mountains .
Therefore , our influence in culture , the six other mountains , is dependent on maintaining healthy congregations . There is something like a third commandment after “ Love your neighbor as yourself ” as seen in Mark
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