Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Elul | August 2023 | Page 12

I don ’ t remember what I said that morning , but I was speaking critically toward my wife Sarah , in front of everyone . My friends , family , and mine . You know that feeling , when the room gets silent and the atmosphere gets cold . The peace leaves . Tension fills the room . Someone killed the atmosphere . Well , that happened . It was me . After a short time of his and my family scurrying back to our respective bedrooms to get ready for the day and figure out what to do with the awkwardness , we all came together again in our living room .
Breaking the awkward silence , my close friend , more like a brother , kindly , gently , clearly , and boldly spoke something like this , “ Brother Rich , we don ’ t speak to our wives like that .” That was it . He didn ’ t need to say anything more . The light bulbs went on for me . I experienced someone who loves me and my wife giving me a healthy correction . Life-giving and soul-healing correction calls us to change and live more consistently with our true identity in Messiah .
That day changed my life . I began to change in this area after that day . So healthy correction is one important way God brings change to our lives and develops within us a righteous lifestyle . I could likely list dozens of examples of healthy correction in my life , even if not always given perfectly . He also uses trials , and yet tied with all of this , God desires to work within us Spiritual Disciplines for the purpose of helping us to change , to grow and daily mature in Him .
But I am afraid many people have stumbled in their practice of Spiritual Disciplines because they have not approached them from a relational perspective .
Since we were created and redeemed as relational beings , and Scripture directs us towards relational goals for our formation ( being transformed into persons who increasingly know and love the LORD our God and love our neighbor as ourselves ), we also need to see the process and practices of transformation as relational . This single insight needs to inform any sound practical theology of the Spiritual Disciplines .
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