Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Cheshvan | October 2023 | Page 25

But how do we hear God ’ s voice when we pray ?
Yeshua promises that if we belong to Him , then we will hear and know His voice .
“ When He has brought out all his own , He goes on ahead of them , and His sheep follow Him because they know His voice .” John 10:4 ( NIV )
At the time that Yeshua was on earth , shepherds would be with their sheep so much that the sheep would get to know their shepherd well , and would even be able to ultimately recognize his voice . When the shepherd called the sheep , they would recognize the voice and would respond . In turn , they would also ignore anyone else who would call them away .
Similarly , as we spend time in prayer , we will become familiar with the voice of Yeshua and learn to recognize Him when He is speaking to us . We learn to recognize His voice and in turn , we respond to Him .
The Scriptures reveal for us many different ways in which the Lord speaks to His people :
Holy Scripture
God speaks through Scripture . The Lord is speaking to us through His word where it says that ,
“ God ’ s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light on our path ” ( Psalm 119:105 ). As we wait on the Lord and listen , He may bring other passages of Scripture to mind , giving us guidance about how we should pray .
It has been said , “ a picture is worth a thousand words .” In prayer , the Lord may give us a picture to pray into . This is one of the ways that the Lord speaks to the prophet Jeremiah :
The word of the LORD came to me : “ What do you see , Jeremiah ?” “ I see the branch of an almond tree ,” I replied . Jeremiah 1:11 ( NIV )
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