Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Cheshvan | October 2023 | Page 16

The Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit Our mind is the doorway to the heart . Our actions flow from our understanding and emotions , reflecting the mind and heart of our father , but which father are we reflecting ? As human beings , we will all be fathered by someone . A father is an originator and transmitter . He is the author of a family or society of persons , animating them with his spirit . In giving life , a father infuses his own spirit into theirs , actuating and governing their thoughts and emotions . So again , who is your father and who governs your mind and emotions ?
Psalms 107:1-8 tells us how our Heavenly Father responds to our cries when we are in distress . He moves with great power to deliver us . With our helmet on , we understand that our salvation is held in His hands . The focus of our brain shifts to see Him as the victor and our deliverer in times of trouble . We don ’ t have to be freaked out when we look at the battlefield . As the war wages , and destruction and death are before us , we can be confident that our Heavenly Father responds to our battle cries and delivers us . We are secure under His wings , standing in the palm of His hand .
The Sword of the Spirit is therefore twofold , revealing to humanity who is fathering them . The Sword of the Spirit reminds of the voice of the cloud of witnesses which have gone on before us , and the prophetic revelation of God to us individually . Throughout His ministry on earth , Yeshua said , “ It is written ” and we too must remember what Israel , God ’ s cloud of witnesses , has written in the Scriptures . ( Rom . 9:4-5 )
We must give voice to what they recorded because this was a gift from God to Israel , and in turn is a gift from Israel to the nations of the world . We must also go out with the Word of God in our mouths with prophetic utterances , just as God ’ s dear son Yeshua went out speaking and doing only what He saw His Father doing . For the Word of God divides the soul and the spirit of mankind , revealing to them their very thoughts and the intentions of their hearts .
In conclusion , because there was no one to bring His justice and righteousness , the Father armed Himself in the person of Yeshua and brought salvation to the ends of the earth . Yeshua came in full armor to take vengeance on His enemies and to offer salvation to all those who turn from their sins and receive His forgiveness .
Let us put on Yeshua , who is the Armor and Word of God .
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