Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Cheshvan | October 2023 | Page 15

Shoes of Shalom When we are clothed in God ' s righteousness , we are able to be at peace with God and our neighbor and we are equipped to go out with the Good News to the nations . We are fully prepared for the task that lies ahead of us . When we put on the shoes of shalom , our feet ( our lives ) are protected as we go .
When we get attacked in our spiritual battles , the wind of God can be knocked out causing us to quit walking , to quit running , to quit going . Without proper shoes , we slip and fall .
Only the shoes of shalom produce endurance . Attacks from the adversary are inevitable , but the moment we take offense , we will find that we have taken our shoes of shalom off . We are no longer walking in peace and we will have no endurance . Attacks will come , but we do not have to lose our peace .
When we go , we go out with a purpose and the plan of God . Something motivates all of us to go . What is it ? If it isn ' t to reconcile people to the Father , then our motives and the plan are self-centered and can be destructive . Let us go purposely with the intent to reconcile others to the Father loving them in the same way that He has loved us .
Shield of Faith According to Deuteronomy 33:29 , Adonai is the shield of His people . In the KJV , this passage reminds us that the enemies of God will be found to be liars . In the Complete Jewish Bible however , we find that the enemy ’ s high places are trampled down . In the NKJV , it says that the enemies will submit to God , yet in the Tree of Life translation we are told that the enemies of God will cower before Him . I believe all these translations accurately remind us of the truth of what it means when Adonai becomes the shield in our lives . Because the battle is the Lord ’ s , we can fully trust Him when we go out to speak and act on His behalf .
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