Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 8

Wow ! Yeshua knew exactly who He was . He had been given all the fullness of the Kingdom and the position of greatest status in relation to God . He had come from God , yet Yeshua was highlighted that even though He was Messiah and the Son of God , He still came to serve . How much more should we serve one another ?
The Gospels record numerous examples of when Yeshua was moved with compassion for those who were sick and hurting around him . Before calling people to repentance , He saw the person in front of them , addressing their physical and emotional needs . Counter to the ways of the world , Yeshua teaches that the least among us will become the greatest in the Kingdom ( Matt . 23:11 ). The Highway to Holiness is the Low-way of Humility .
I am Third
Among my favorite stories I heard at a leadership conference years ago was about a teenage boy who was very popular among others his age . Peers and teachers alike looked to him as a born leader . When his name came up in conversation among His school and congregational community groups , they unsolicited examples surfaced with accounts of how he had impacted them , helped them out on a project , provided a listening ear , or rescued them from a stressful and emotional situation . Sometime later , one of his friends visited him and saw a homemade plaque hung on the wall of his room with the simple words " I Am Third ”.
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