Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 7

Do Everything Without Grumbling and Complaining
When I consider myself as worthy and deserving to be served because of my title , role or status , I am likely to miss the great need of the people around me . We think things like , “ Surely someone else should take care of their needs because I ’ ve already put in my time . I ’ ve already worked to earn my position . My needs are more important because of the great responsibility I carry . My emotional trauma is bigger than theirs anyway .” You get the idea . There are a myriad of reasons why we justify that we should not serve someone else . And yes , we do have our own needs .
The root of complaining is frustration at not getting what we think we deserve or desire . Yet , humility recognizes that we can trust God in the midst of all circumstances . You can choose to serve a difficult boss , love a challenging neighbor , and lay your life down for your family and community . Though it may be hard , try to do it without focusing on your own discomfort .
Young shepherd David had already been anointed by Samuel as the future King of Israel . He moved into the King ’ s palace and was employed as a steward of King Saul . Yet , David continued to serve and minister before Saul , even when his own life was threatened . He kept an attitude of loyalty and honor to the king even when the king acted out of fear , jealousy , and rage . David maintained humility before God , waiting for God to work in the situation to change his circumstances . This also required faith in God ’ s goodness and promise .
Yeshua , Humble Servant
Yeshua is the greatest example of humility in service . He modeled how we are to treat one another even though they might not deserve it . All of us have read the story recorded in John 13 about how Yeshua stepped away from the normal traditions and festivities of the Passover meal to wash His disciples feet . The visual demonstration was not about cleaning up dirty feet ! Step back to the beginning of the story , John 13:3 says , “ Yeshua knew that the Father had given all things into His hands , and that He had come from God and was returning to God .”
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