Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 23

Let the nations be glad and sing for joy , for You will judge the peoples fairly , and guide the nations on the earth . Selah
Let the peoples praise You , O God . Let all the peoples praise You .
The earth has yielded its harvest — God , our God will bless us .
God will bless us , and all the ends of the earth will fear Him .
When looking at this passage , we find a parallel with that of the Aaronic blessing in Numbers 6:24-26 . God is the source of blessing over Israel . It is God ’ s own grace and His unmerited favor . It is the light and joy of the Father ’ s face looking with delight upon His people .
From the context of the Aaronic blessing , the point of the grace and blessing and God ’ s face shining upon Israel – is linked with Psalm 67:2 in stating that ,
“... Your way may be known on the earth , and Your salvation among all nations .”
The Jewish people are the people of God . He blesses them uniquely . As Paul writes in Romans 9:4-5 , “ To them belong the adoption and the glory and the covenants and the giving of the Torah and the Temple service and the promises . To them belong the patriarchs – and from them , according to the flesh , the Messiah , who is over all , God , blessed forever . Amen ”
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