Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 13

It is helpful to remember when reading this passage within Zechariah that he was addressing the Jewish community at the end of their Babylonian exile . The people were returning home from Persia , ( who conquered the Babylonians ) and they were rebuilding that which was destroyed , namely , the Temple and Jerusalem as a whole .
The people had taken upon themselves these days of fasting to commemorate the besiegement and ultimate destruction of Jerusalem , the Temple , and Jewish sovereignty . The fast of the tenth month therefore commemorates the beginning of the siege against Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar . Half a year later , in the fourth month , he ( Nebuchadnezzar ) breached Jerusalem ’ s walls . Amidst much internal fighting , the Babylonian ’ s managed to completely demolish the Temple . Most of the Jews were then exiled , though a small contingent remained in Jerusalem , and Jewish governor was installed to manage this group , yet in the seventh month he was assassinated .
The exiles would eventually return home and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple . The fasts would continue to keep the severity of what happened etched within the souls of the people . Over 500 years would go by — a little bit longer than the first Temple stood — until another time of tragedy would come upon the Jewish people ; this time in the form of the Roman empire .
In the year 66 C . E ., the Jewish people would get fed up with this oppressive foreign ruler and would revolt . Four years later , under the command of General Titus , the Romans would sack Jerusalem and throw the Temple to the floor . ( You can still see physical evidence of this to this day ).
The exiled community would recall each year the tragic events that fulfilled God ’ s judgment upon the kingdom of Judah . While this is a good endeavor , one that would hopefully keep the exiles humble , God does question their sincerity at one point . ( see : Zechariah 7:4-7 ) Even the best-intentioned practices can become mere outward actions over time , and those really mean nothing to God in the end . The key is not to do away with such practices ; rather , we need to keep our hearts in the right place before the Lord .
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