Tikkun America RESTORE Magazine Av | August 2024 | Page 12

Every summer Jews around the world hold a fast . In most places , and Israel certainly being no exception , with regards to temperature , it is a hot time of the year . One of the nice things about Yom Kippur is that it is during the fall when the temperature has dropped to a moderate level . Yet , in the fifth Jewish month , the month of Av , the temperature is high and not eating and drinking becomes all the more difficult for those observing this fast . This is not something God commanded us to do . ( Admittedly , God ’ s commandments are usually quite sensitive ). So , why then do we do this ?
The Scriptures do have something to say about this . The prophet Zechariah thus tells , “ Again the word of Adonai- Tzva ’ ot came saying : ‘ Thus says Adonai- Tzva ’ ot , “ The fast of the fourth , the fast of the fifth , the fast of the seventh and the fast of the tenth months will become joy , gladness and a cheerful moedim . Therefore , love truth and shalom !” ( Zechariah 8:18-19 ). Ironically , the Scriptures don ’ t tell us specifically what these fasts were for , yet it does seem to indicate that they hold deep significance for God ’ s people .

tisha b ’ av