The third generational transition in this passage is the passing of leadership from Moses to Joshua . Notice that God picked Joshua ; Moses just asked that God would raise up a man for the job . So why Joshua ? I think it is obvious when you also compare Joshua to the stories of Joseph , David , and others . Joseph took responsibility for working wherever he was – even prison .
David took responsibility and protected his flock as a shepherd . Joshua had simply been a man who took responsibility for what he was given and beyond as the attendant of Moses so Moses could fulfill his calling . Also , he stood up in faith with Caleb among the 12 spies . God saw a man willing to stand in the gap . God picks those who take responsibility for whatever they are given , and then they are given more .
For me personally , taking responsibility is a fundamental part of leadership , but not because leaders ‘ need ’ to take responsibility . It is fundamental because those who take responsibility can be given more . We are willing to trust and follow people who take responsibility , and thereby give them the influence over us that makes them leaders . Leadership is the result of taking responsibility , not the other way around .
Usually , people seek honor or power and then realize it comes with responsibility . We should learn in the Kingdom of God that this is backwards . We should seek to be responsible and honor those who have greater responsibilities ( i . e . honor your father and mother ). That is why for me selfsacrificing leaders are the most inspiring . They are not trying to lead ; they are just trying to be responsible for themselves and others . Yeshua drew me in because I knew I was responsible for my sins , but He took responsibility where I was not able to . Yeshua ’ s great reward came from Him taking great responsibility onto Himself for our sins to the glory of the Father .
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