Tidings Jan 2016 | Page 10

Scouts 195 We are seeking two adults to serve on our Administrative Committee. Experience in Scouting is not necessary, we can provide all of the training needed. - Chartered Organization Representative (COR) must be a member of Trinity Lutheran Church. This person serves as the liaison between the church and the Scouting unit. This person communicates the needs of the church to the unit and vice versa. Outside of the initial training this position takes about 3 hours a month. All leadership of the unit falls under the C.O.R.. Mr. Dave Burgoon has served in this position for many years. - Committee Chair (CC) oversees the Administrative workings of the Scouting unit, working very closely with the Scoutmaster to ensure that the infrastructure of the scouting program is in place and functioning in order to allow the Scoutmaster and scouts to concentrate on the quality of the program. Outside of the initial training, this require