Tidbits of the Month - Equestrian Federation of Jamaica March - April 2014 | Page 6

MARCH - APRIL 2014 OF THE MONTH WHAT ELSE IS KICKIN’? ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The EFJ Annual General Meeting was held on March 30th after the Stuart’s Leagues and Hi-Pro Grand Prix Show. The meeting mainly consisted of the accounts presented by the EFJ treasurer, Christine Johnston. The 2013 financial statement was discussed and confirmed as were the SDF allotments that we have applied for and gotten this year. The EFJ’s board members elected at the last extraordinary meeting were also ratified. Thank you to all who were in attendance. I would also like to make a note to promote camaraderie and sportsmanship like conduct between all members. Win or lose, we must be kind and supportive of each other for our sport to flourish. FEI GROUP IV MEETING IN WELLINGTON There was a Group IV FEI meeting was held on April 3rd in Wellington. The FEI group IV region consists of Canada, USA and the Caribbean. The meeting went very well and all of the islands were in attendance; Jamaica being represented by our EFJ president, Betty Wates. It was chaired by our Group Chair, Mark Samuels, from Canada and was attended by Jaqueline Braissant from the FEI Development Department. We were able to bring to light and sort out some issues that came up in regards to changes of the format of next year’s Jumping and Dressage Challenge. We also assisted Ms. Braissant with ideas that made the changes more practical. Nothing will be decided until the General Assembly in December this year. NEWSLETTER VOLUNTEERS would like to invite EFJ members to volunteer by helping to writing articles, ideas for content, finding fun horsey jokes for our giddy up section, editing and putting together the newsletter. It would be great to get a group of our young members involved in the newsletter so that they may gain writing experience; it will also be fulfilling for them to have their work read and enjoyed by their peers. Not to mention, it would look very good on their school transcripts that they are writers and editors for Jamaica’s only equestrian newsletter. Contact us at [email protected]. OF THE MONTH EFJ SHIRTS – MADE TO ORDER New EFJ shirts are on sale now. Children’s size shirts JA$2500 with logo and adults will be more expensive. Place your orders to Christine Johnston ([email protected]) within the next month if you are interested. These are the official EFJ shirts and must be worn to represent the Jamaican team when travelling. LOOKING TO FIND A RIDING COACH? Interested in finding a riding coach to do lessons with? Here are contact details for our local coaches: Betty ‘Mother’ Wates EFJ President and National Coach, Ponderosa, Bog Walk Dressage, Jumping and Cross Country motherwates@gma il.com 382 4614 Susan Wates Kingston Polo Club Equestrian Centre, Kingston Dressage, Jumping [email protected] 383 6294 Trina DeLisser Half Moon Equestrian Centre, Montego Bay Dressage, Jumping [email protected] 953 2286 Heidi Lalor Caymanas Pony Club, Kingston Dressage, Jumping, Pony Club, Polo www.caymanasponyclub.com [email protected] 885 5659 Mark Wates Kingston Polo Club, Kingston Polo 382 4563 Raquel Parke Drax Hall Equestrian Centre, Ocho Rios Dressage, Jumping [email protected] 881 6023 This newsletter can be read online at http://issuu.com/tidbits-efj/docs/march-april_tidbits_2014 6