Tidbits of the Month - Equestrian Federation of Jamaica January - February 2014 | Page 4

JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2014 OF THE MONTH EFJ AND CPC EVENTS Date Event JANUARY 11TH CEA Jumping Trials – Barbados (at Ponderosa) 11TH Barbados Invitational 12 and under trials (at Ponderosa) 25TH & 26TH Barbados Invitational 12 and under (Barbados) FEBRUARY 1ST & 2ND Dressage Clinic with Susan Wates 8TH Dressage - 1st leg of the Dressage Series (at KPC) 10TH-15TH Guatemala Invitational (Guatemala) 15TH&16TH CEA Jumping Barbados 22ND Dressage - 2nd leg of the Dressage Series MARCH 13TH FEI Dressage Competition (9:00 am) (at KPC) 14TH FEI Dressage Clinics for top challenge riders (at KPC) 29TH & 30TH 1st leg of the Jumping League & 1st leg of the Hi-Pro Grand-Prix (at KPC) 30TH EFJ Extraordinary General Meeting - Financial Report (2:00pm) (at KPC) APRIL 1ST- 6TH Caribbean Children’s Competition 14-18 years old (1m -1.10m) (Wellington,Florida, USA) 9TH-10TH Sam Albert Clinic (at KPC) 11TH- 13TH Sam Albert Clinic (at Ponderosa) 14TH-16TH Cross Country Camp (at Ponderosa) 26TH CEA Jumping Trials Cayman (KPC) 4