Tickled Squirrel May 2015 | Page 36

Just for fun Quiz British Predecimal Coins How much can you remember? (No Cheating) 1 What year did Britain go decimal? 2 What was the name of a two shilling piece? 3 How many pennies were there in a pound? 4 How many shillings were there in a guinea? 5 What was the nickname of the sixpenny piece? 6 How much was a halfcrown added to 4 shillings and 2 threepenny bits and four pennies and how was it written? 7 What bird was on the back of the later farthings? 8 How much was the face value of a sovereign? 9 What three letters stood for Pounds, Shillings and Pence? 10 The farthing ceased to be legal tender in 1960. It was used during the reign of how m [