Thunder Roads Magazine of Oklahoma/Arkansas August TRMOK _FINAL | Page 9

FEATURES Jerry B. - I stay off I35 & I40 when on my bike. In James L. Since most of my riding is in OKC this the car I do this anyway. won’t impact me too much. I’ll wait and see how enforcement of the law goes. They can’t even Mike P. - This should have been the Law for years. enforce the temporary tag law they passed. It has been in Texas, although rarely enforced. I would venture to say, that a slow left lane driver Scott S. This is what happens when people don’t is a major contribution to many Highway Road have common sense or common courtesy. Rage situations. Many people think they were born with a “God Given Right” to drive in the left lane. Stephanie H. It’s a pain in the ass, literally, to ride It contributes to traffi c backups and accidents. I in the right hand lane on most of the interstates hope they write a “million” tickets for this offense and turnpikes. Usually, the left lane is smoother. I’ll the fi rst year. still use it, but be more conscientious about getting Reply: Tim T. - And there are those who right for the lead foots to not be impeded. believe they have the God given right to run up at 90mph on someone already doing 10 Cindy F. It seems to me it just gives those who over in the left lane. It cuts both ways. The speed the right to do so more. law should be written to prevent impeding traffi c, not to give road racing road hogs a state mandate authorizing them to drive as Mike H. Don’t like the law, putting me in the left fast as they want to. lane increases my chances of getting ran over by drivers not paying attention to the road and traffi c. Randy G .The rules of the road that I was taught in drivers education was to stay to the right unless passing. This was for all roadways in the state, even on multi-lane highways. Of course, we did not have as many vehicles on the road then as we do now, and drivers education is no longer taught in schools. David W - As long as the right lane is not worn out. I pay attention to myself driving in the left lane. BUT, I will also get out of the RIGHT lane into the left lane when crap starts falling out of the glove box. I drive a glass truck. Some of our highways and interstates the right lane is trashed due to heavy traffi c. Lonny L. When riding, I try to stay in the right lane unless it is not safe. Sometimes there are grooves in the right lane that can grab your motorcycle tire. Also, people don’t yield when they are getting on the highway, so you have to get in the left lane. Thunder Roads Magazine of OK/AR 9