Thunder Roads Magazine of Oklahoma/Arkansas August TRMOK _FINAL | Page 8

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What ’ s on your mind ?


When we want to know what our riding readers think , we go to our Social Media for answers . Recently , we posed the question concerning the new left lane law by sharing the following information from the Oklahoma Highway Patrol Facebook Page : “ A new law adding restrictions for driving in the left-hand lane on divided highways will take effect in November 2017 . Currently , you can drive in the left lane as long as you are not impeding the fl ow of traffi c . The new restrictions will state that a vehicle may not be driven in the left lane except when overtaking and passing another vehicle , other than in situations where traffi c conditions or road confi gurations require the use of the left-hand lane in order to maintain safe traffi c conditions . Drivers may be ticketed for violating the statute . Department of Public Safety Commissioner Michael C . Thompson said the new wording is an important measure to improve public safety on Oklahoma highways .”
When posed with the question as to what our readers , as motorcyclists , thought of the new law , the following comments were made . We were not able to publish all posts , but please feel free to read more at www . facebook . com / thunderroadsmagazineokar .
Joe B . - Open that lane up and I ’ ll pass them all
Jerry F If I get a ticket on my motorcycle for using left lane on I-40 I will fi ght it and the department of transportation will be answering for the injures to my back teeth and the repairs to the suspension on my motorcycle .
Rick S . - Right lane is so rough it will shake your guts out on a motorcycle , I ’ ll ride the right lane until I see somebody coming up on me faster than what I ride then I ’ ll change lanes .
Greg T . - Right lane is so rough it will shake your guts out on a motorcycle , I ’ ll ride the right lane until I see somebody coming up on me faster than what I ride then I ’ ll change lanes .
Roger W . - The new law should be called common since . Not many people have such a thing anymore .
Daryl B . - I like the law , because it means the slow-pokes that back up traffi c won ’ t be there . However , it also means overcrowding the right lane ! As well as causing more ruts in the right lane which are extremely hazardous to us bikers .
8 Thunder Roads Magazine of OK / AR