"I think there is a lack of respect for people which I think comes from a lack of respect for self. " Esha Onyx-Parisi: Do you have a candidate you favor right now? And if so why? Ɲσяα Ƙαѕтισ™: I feel the Bern!! Bernie is most definitely my favorite. I believe in Bernie because he has been around and his pattern is consistent with wanting change. I feel as though Bernie looks old but his heart has the same fire as it did when he was protesting with Dr. King. To be completely honest, his work ethic and his unwavering fire are beautiful. It pulls you in. He makes you believe that his vision is more than just a dream and that he plans to make it happen. My only concern is, if it were possible why didn't Obama do it? NK: It’s not what he says now it’s his consistency for the past 40 years. NK: He is a beautiful man and for people to discredit him because of his age is ignorant NK: he is only 5 years older than Hillary EP: I agree I remember seeing a reporter asking him what he had for breakfast EP: and he said I don't see how that’s going to change the country we live in. EP: What do you believe strongly in that most people would disagree with? NK: Dreaming. NK: People love to say "oh dream big." But they always shoot it down, which means to me they want you think that it’s unattainable. NK: its reverse psychology. Dream big but not too big. NK: They taint your dream NK: and just like that your dream becomes a thought and it’s all over NK: Never take your dreams for granted. Hold them close like they are your kids. Nurture them so they can grow. Do not let them be tainted by the world. EP: Dreams are such a bigger part of us and our everyday lives...we don't give them enough credit NK: No people do not (give dreams enough credit). But as a believer in dreams I know their worth. EP: Lovely EP: What does your closet look like? NK: Like Love (Kastio laughs) EP: and we're going to need you to name drop some of those designers! NK: Seriously, In RL I have a purse fetish, so purses specifically Betsy Johnson. In SL, Hair, Shoes, Cosplay stuffs, I wouldn't narrow down, I can’t to be honest. But I wear a lot of Addams, Reign, Breed, Blues, Little Bones, Beusy. I don't discriminate! If it’s cute I'll wear it. NK: I shop at Black Wall Street often EP: Shout out to Reign those shoes feed my soul NK: Girl NK: always and forever (Kastio laughs) After this issue went to pause EP: So, what do you do for fun? NK: I spend time with my friends and family and make poses. I know that may be a "job" but I truly enjoy bringing photos to life with poses EP: Yes ma'am I will be making a lovely picture tonight thanks to you and that pose you just created I'll have to feature it! EP: I feel there is a big disconnect with urban SL. I see a lot of people not supporting each other and content disagreements that result to things going no more. What do you think would improve the way we speak to one and another? What would help us come tog ether? (Ɲσяα Ƙαѕтισ™ proceeds with the remainder of the interview via microphone) That’s actually the problem were having with Black Wall Street being able to tackle the professionalism and I think “putting some respeck” on it! I think there is a lack of respect for people which I think comes from a lack of respect for self. For example, "Sabotage,” Reem. A lot of people don't like him but they respect him for his work ethic and his clothes are dope and that prevents the urban community from connecting and being able to love one another. I don't know, can’t explain it. I think it’s a lack of love and respect that creates disconnect between people, because if you don't like someone, but you can respect someone's opinion, even if you don't agree with the person, or their opinion. Ms. Kastio has something to offer not just to Urban SL, but Secondlife communities as a whole. The concept that rather than copying and competing with each other, uplift and embrace what your selective community represents. The disconnect that Urban SL has felt is slowly but surely being repaired by the strong minds and believers of making a conscious effort to give anything and everything that symbolizes what represents Urban SL its deserved spotlight. I know for certain, this is a concept I can get behind and stay behind. BWS ended. We wish Leigh the best in all her future ventures.