Black Wall Street For a while, Urban SL has been on a repetitive cycle. This isn’t a singular opinion, but more of a collective agreement. Whether it is clothing ideas, outlooks and ideals or opinions, to personal looks, everything is starting to look like a carbon copy of other items or ideas. When it comes to being uplifting and supportive of what makes urban SL what it is, a lot of us have fallen short. Division has plagued Urban SL as a whole. One person looks to spark a revolution to change this. With the purpose of using the ever growing event shopping craze that has almost become the main way to connect with SL developers, Nora Kastio has come up with her own event known as “Black Wall Street.” The reason for Black Wall Street’s existence is simple. Reconnect with Urban SL with a different approach to event shopping. Giving Urban SL its exclusivity and being almost like,” a bridge for Urban SL to take pride in their work,” as directly quoted from Ms. Kastio herself. Our editor in-chief and First Lady, Esha Parisi, got a chance to have a 1 on 1 with Ms. Kastio about various topics including what Black Wall Street represents and where it plans to go. Esha Onyx-Parisi: Leigh on behalf of Throne Magazine I would like to thank you for granting us this interview. Ɲσяα Ƙαѕтισ™: you are very welcome, Thank you for having me. Esha Onyx-Parisi: Can you tell me a little about your business and where you plan to take it? "Black Wall Street is an experience. It’s more than an event and it’s more than educational. I see Black Wall Street as a platform." Ɲσяα Ƙαѕтισ™: Alright, Black Wall Street is an experience. It’s more than an event and it’s more than educational. I see Black Wall Street as a platform, a bridge if you will, that will allow the urban community to take pride in their work and to be able to say "I didn't have to go to the "other" side to feel like I made it or I'm doing well for myself." It’s a support system for all of the urban communities' best designers, artists, and animators to get their props for being a part of what makes us excellent. That means our style, our work ethic and our love for whatever we do. We have a bad stigma in the urban community and Black Wall Street is going to assist in shedding that stigma and creating a new more refined one. Esha Onyx-Parisi: I couldn't agree with you more.... When I visited Black Wall Street I felt a sense of pride so thank you for that. I think it’s very important to educate others. Ɲσяα Ƙαѕтισ™: Thank you Esha Onyx-Parisi: You're very welcome. THRONE MAGAZINE | 06