Acid is the “first element” which is the cold predator blood of our reptilian brain that is dominated by fear of future survival, the second element is alkaline which is the warm side of the limbic emotional brain which is dominated by love/sacrifice/service and connection that evolved as the mammals superseded the dinosaurs.
Linear consciousness is the motive of fear, if you’ll notice whenever we fear there is a time connotation that runs parallel to it. When we fear time is “running out”. This is much like the Caucasian and western society which is driven by achievement, this fulfilling of achievement always has a timeline attached to it. You’ll notice the western world is obsessed with the future and provision for it….pension funds, provident funds etc. The west only values how much you have in the way of provision for future, such as money and materialism.
Linear consciousness is fear based thinking which helps us evolve because it is future orientated by nature which automatically looks for provision and solutions to future uncertainty. Fear in this context is healthy; fear is an essential part of evolution. Evolution scores big points with the universe.
Linear consciousness is “time consciousness” which dominates the first world, trains, planes and buses run on time because in “time consciousness” there is always a linear procession of thought which is both sequential and consequential, responsibility is taken for time management. With consequence comes fear; with fear comes control, order and management.
With time comes space, you will notice that the western “dream” is a large detached home with capacious potential. Emphasis is upon the nuclear family. The life’s total summation is an accrual of more time and space (we work for a large spacious home where we can have time to ourselves and lock the world out). The more space (home) you own the more you are revered.
With “time consciousness” comes space; as a result of this comes self-determination, individualism and ego. The peril of this consciousness is the “I” becomes more important than the collective, which is the precipice the west finds itself perched on today.
Lateral consciousness is the relaxed love based thinking that is generous, gregarious, warm natured, chaotic and past orientated. Time has no meaning there is only “now”, trains, planes and buses run when they want to not when they have too. This is beautiful state of bliss that can become a death trap because responsibility for time is never taken thus evolution and future solutions are not sought.
Coping strategy for life is in a “sticking together” of the masses in one identity that takes on the uncertainty of future by spreading the load “laterally” over many shoulders. Time and space disappear as the ranks are closed to form a tight knitted bonded. Community and connection is paramount, an overwhelming sense of belonging eases the future fear.