Thrive; Evolutionary Consciousness July August 2013 | Page 8

8 has been formed recently; its aim is to share observations that have been made through a long journey so that they might be of benefit to others. The ultimate goal is to create greater understanding of our-selves and the world around us by the awareness and integration of universal principles.

Linear and Lateral Consciousness

Imagine a magician on stage, he puts a cute girlie in a long box and cuts it clean in half with a saw. The audience gasps in amazement.

Now get yourself a long box just the same and then get a saw and cut it clean in half.

On the one half you can write the word "Linear" and on the other half you can write the word "Lateral".

Now you have the full picture because consciousness is split clean down the middle between two separate boxes.

Your first question would be why divide consciousness in half, what purpose does that serve?

The answer to that is to propel evolution.

Nothing evolves without being challenged and to bring about challenge a contrast is needed.

The universe is a wise old goat.

Without the stars we would never how deep space is.

Oneness cannot be challenged, oneness does not evolve.

The two forces are equal and exact opposites, Linear represents Time and Lateral represents its counterpart, Timelessness.

This lessor known phenomenon of duality has claimed more lives than hot dinners, it has divided cultures and separates the first from the third world. It even sticks its nose into the traits of both genders and caused massive misunderstanding between them.

These two forces are diametrically opposed and silently run in the blood of every single person in the world under the guise of acid and alkaline. The environment becomes acid when temperatures drop, conversely alkalinity dominants when temperatures rise. Our own internal environment is governed by the same universal principles we are simply a world within a world.