Thornton Academy Program of Studies 2-24- 25 | Page 8

Music & Performing Arts
Visual Arts
English Language Arts ( ELA )
Life Science
Social Studies
Health / Wellness
Visual Arts
Music & Performing Arts
8 www . thorntonacademy . org

Music & Performing Arts

Students will learn to read and write music , sing a variety of songs that support learning experiences in other subject areas , play percussion to the classics , and complete a focus study on listening to music . To help develop songwriting skills , students use the GarageBand program on their laptops . Additionally , dancing , choreography , and drama improvisation are an active part of class . Students are invited to demonstrate skills learned throughout the year at the annual music concert .

Visual Arts

Students will engage in hands-on activities with a variety of art media . Lessons facilitate an exploration of the visual arts through experiences integrated with the social studies curriculum . Students will learn about traditional arts and crafts across the world and create their own authentic works of art . Students practice the language and understanding of the elements of art while developing confidence in the areas of drawing , painting , and sculpting .


English Language Arts ( ELA )

The seventh grade ELA curriculum will focus on reading , writing , listening , and speaking . Students will become more effective thinkers and active learners through communication , reflection , and understanding . Students will have many opportunities to work with various types of writing , including narrative , descriptive , expository , and persuasive writing . Becoming familiar with literary terms , learning to read for detail , using details to support interpretation of characters , and becoming aware of the beauty and power of the written word are key curriculum outcomes .


The seventh grade mathematics curriculum includes decimals , algebra and statistics , linear equations and functions , fractions , proportional reasoning , geometry , and measurement . Acceleration , extension , and enrichment opportunities are offered within the classroom .

Life Science

Seventh grade students will learn about a number of different life science topics . These include : defining life , relationships in nature , food webs , scientific method , photosynthesis , cells , organ systems , genetics , and evolution . Students will be asked to use a variety of methods ; in particular , STEM-related activities will explore key concepts of each unit .

Social Studies

Maine culture is the focus of seventh grade social studies . Students will examine questions such as : What is social studies ? What makes a place a place ? What happens when cultures interact with one another ? What is required to create a community ? How does a place change over time ? Students will explore many facets of social studies , including history , geography , economics , government , anthropology , and sociology .


The languages program provides students with a foundation for future language study and promotes awareness of cultures related to languages . Spanish and French are taught in a two-year loop so that students are able to achieve maximum exposure to the structures of a language . The course is organized around thematic units that integrate vocabulary , grammatical structures , culture , and communication .
Seventh grade students will focus on learning the basic language skills of listening , speaking , reading , and writing — all taught through themes such as the classroom , school , family , home , and holidays . Popular culture , food , art , music , and other content areas are regularly connected to lessons . Skills in participation , tolerance , and cooperation are also strongly emphasized .

Health / Wellness

Instruction is divided between physical activity and health classroom lessons . Physical activities are often integrated with core curriculum concepts in science . Health units of study include : mental , emotional , family , and social health ; community and environmental health ; anatomy ; and current events related to health .

Visual Arts

Students will expand their knowledge of the elements and principles of art through an investigation of current uses of art and design . Visual arts activities are regularly designed to extend and complement academic areas of study ; this integrated approach will help students develop an appreciation for art in daily life .

Music & Performing Arts

Seventh graders focus on African percussion , using authentic instruments from Ghana . An introduction of complex rhythms through ensemble and individual activities help students develop teamwork and cultivate a greater understanding of the music of other cultures . Students use GarageBand , software available on their laptops , to create original works . They also complete a unit focusing on American music in history ( Ellis Island ). African dance , drama activities , and studying the annual high school musical are also highlights in class . Students are invited to demonstrate skills learned throughout the year at the annual music concert .

8 www . thorntonacademy . org