Thornton Academy Program of Studies 2-24- 25 | Page 7

Social Studies
Health / Wellness
7 www . thorntonacademy . org 7




Students will practice a wide variety of writing , ranging from journal entries and poetry to essays crafted about unique experiences in the classroom and beyond . The Six Traits of Writing program will be used to help all students continue to improve their work . Spelling , vocabulary , and grammar will be integrated into daily writing work .


Students will explore a variety of books as a class , both independently and in literature circles of four to six students . Students will have the ability to read a large selection of Newbery Award and Honor books . Student activities will include book projects , response journals , reading notebooks , guided reading , and Reader ’ s Theater . Students will also learn the elements of a short story , reading several in the process .


Units of study include decimals , fractions , algebra , geometry , graphing , ratios , and proportions . Connections between math concepts being taught and their real-world application will be integrated into lessons through mini labs and interdisciplinary projects whenever possible . Middle school teachers use the flexible grouping model to organize learning communities of students based on mathematical aptitude . Criteria for establishing these groups include : fifth grade math average , NWEA and NECAP scores , entrance mastery assessment and teacher observations .


The sixth-grade science curriculum is a continuation of the skills students have learned from fifth grade courses and before . This science program helps students analyze the parts of our world that they can perceive with their senses , but also provides them with the knowledge of systems that are much bigger or smaller than their senses can detect alone . In sixth-grade , students will learn about earth sciences topics such as the water cycle , weather and climate patterns , layers of the earth , rock cycle , natural phenomenon ( s ) ( earthquakes , volcanoes , and tsunamis ), and the solar system . Whenever possible , science will be integrated with other areas of the curriculum , including a natural overlap with social studies and math .

Social Studies

Students will learn about the world and its people with a focus on Latin America , Asia , and Africa . The social studies program will also be integrated with world art . Students will become more aware of the people of the world with a focus on their economies , demographics , geography , and culture . Important local , national , and world current events will be explored and discussed .

Health / Wellness

Instruction is divided between physical activity and healthoriented classroom lessons . Physical activities are often integrated with core curriculum in science and social studies . Health units of study include mental , emotional , family , and social health ; growth and nutrition ; personal health and safety ; drugs and disease prevention ; community and environmental health ; and current events that deal with health .
Middle School Counselor : Kelsey Ramsey 207-602-8270 | kelsey . ramsey @ thorntonacademy . org

7 www . thorntonacademy . org 7