Thornton Academy Program of Studies 2-24- 25 | Page 25

Geometry Foundations
Algebra 1B Foundations
Math in the Real World
Algebra II
College Algebra
Algebra I
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Geometry Foundations

1 Credit Prerequisite : Algebra 1A
Geometry Foundations will explore the concepts related to points , lines , planes and other geometric shapes . Emphasis is placed on patterns and inductive reasoning , coordinate geometry , angles , parallel lines , triangles , congruence , similarity , quadrilaterals , polygons , circles , surface area , and volume .

Algebra 1B Foundations

1 Credit Prerequisite : Algebra IA
This course builds on the skills learned in Algebra IA and extends learning into new algebraic concepts including factoring , solving equations by factoring , and an introduction to quadratic equations . Discrete mathematics , topics of probability , and statistics will be studied as well .

Math in the Real World

1 Credit Prerequisite : Geometry Foundations or Algebra 1A
Math in the Real World prepares seniors who plan to enter the workforce directly after high school . In addition to continuing their study of algebraic skills , students will be introduced to critical life-long skills in financial mathematics , including situations such as purchasing a car , budgeting money , and paying taxes .
The following course sequence is designed to provide the necessary mathematical knowledge and skills for students who plan to enroll in a two- or four-year college program following graduation from Thornton Academy .


1 Credit
Prerequisite : Algebra 1 or Algebra 1A and teacher recommendation In this class , geometric concepts will be studied from an algebraic perspective . Students will study about triangles , quadrilaterals , circles , parallel lines , similarity , and congruence . Students will learn how to use geometric tools such as a compass and a protractor to create angles and triangles .

Algebra II

1 Credit Prerequisite : Geometry or teacher recommendation
This course is a continuation of the Algebra I and Algebra with Discrete Mathematics sequence . Algebra II will include a study of the operations with real numbers , linear equations and inequality applications , graphs and functions , polynomials , quadratic equations , and systems of equations .

College Algebra

1 Credit Prerequisites : Three math credits , teacher recommendation
Eligible students will receive 4 college credits in Math at Southern Maine Community College ( SMCC ). Students will study the concepts of variables and symbols , scientific notation , formulas and literal equations slope , intercepts , and equations of lines , graphs of linear and quadratic functions ; graphs of linear inequalities ; solving systems of linear equations ; polynomials , products and factors ; roots , rational exponents , and complex numbers ; rational expressions ; solving linear , quadratic , and higher order equations ; solving linear inequalities ; an introduction to exponential and logarithmic functions , and applied problem solving .

Algebra I

1 Credit
Algebra I will enable students to extend and strengthen their understanding of the basic operations related to whole numbers , fractions , decimals , ratios , and percents . Topics studied will include a review of integer properties , operations with signed numbers , solving linear equations , calculating , and inequalities . Students will gain skills for graphing linear equations , calculating and identifying slope , and working with systems of linear equations . In addition , students will be introduced to topics in functions , exponents , and polynomials .

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