Courses in the order that they appear in this section :
Algebra 1A Foundations
24 www . thorntonacademy . org
Course sequences in mathematics vary and should be selected based on students ’ post-secondary plans . Although there is some flexibility , college-bound students in particular should carefully consider which sequence would best serve their intentions following graduation .
Courses in the order that they appear in this section :
* means class does not fulfill math requirement , 3 credits are needed for graduation , # means not NCAA approved
Pre-Algebra # Algebra 1A Foundations # Geometry Foundations # Algebra 1B Foundations # Math in the Real World # Algebra I Geometry Algebra II College Algebra Pre-Calculus Algebra I Honors Geometry Honors Algebra II Honors Pre-Calculus Honors AP Pre-Calculus Statistics Honors AP Statistics Calculus A Honors AP Calculus AB AP Calculus BC Introduction to Accounting * # Accounting Honors * # Introduction to Computer Programming * # AP Computer Science A * # AP Computer Science Principles * #
The following course sequence is designed to provide the necessary mathematical knowledge and skills for students who plan military enlistment or direct entry to the workforce following graduation from Thornton Academy .
1 Credit
Pre-Algebra is the building blocks of Algebra 1 . Students will practice the following foundational math skills : adding , subtracting , multiplication , division , and fractions ( using both positive and negative integers ). While learning foundations of math , students will be introduced to the concepts of variables , constants , solving one variable equations , and graphing those linear equations using slopeintercept .
Algebra 1A Foundations
1 Credit Prerequisite : Pre-Algebra
Algebra 1A Foundations is a non college preparatory course in the principles of Algebra I . The course will include a review of basic algebra concepts learned in Pre-Algebra , such as variables and order of operations . Students will learn to solve linear equations , including multi-step equations ; equations with multiple variables and equations with decimals ; as well as write a linear equation based on a graph of the line . A study of exponents will introduce students to concepts beyond linear functions .
24 www . thorntonacademy . org