Thornton Academy Program of Studies 2-24- 25 | Page 18

Courses in the order that they appear in this section :
18 www . thorntonacademy . org


A solid foundation in history and social science is essential to preparing students for the challenges of a changing world . Through a three-year progression of required courses , and diverse elective and AP course offerings , students will develop the historical knowledge and skills necessary for lives as informed and engaged citizens .

Courses in the order that they appear in this section :

* means class does not fulfill history requirement , 3 credits are needed for graduation , 1 of the 3 credits must be in US History , # means course is not NCAA approved
Roots of the Modern World Roots of the Modern World Foundations # Roots of the Modern World Honors Modern US History Modern US History Foundations # Modern US History Honors AP US History Academic World Quest / Great Decisions * # Blind Eye of History Economics
AP European History Government AP Government and Politics : United States Human Geography Honors * AP Human Geography * AP Macroeconomics ( offered in ’ 24-25 ) * AP Microeconomics ( next offered ’ 25- ’ 26 ) * Personal Finance # Psychology AP Psychology * Sociology

18 www . thorntonacademy . org