Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Winter 2008 | Page 20
July. Brad Gallant married Karen
Leclerc in April 2007. He attended USM and is now employed by
Maine Cardiology Associates.
Catherine Merrow graduated from
the University of Maine/Farmington in December 2005 and did an
art internship at Franklin Memorial Hospital. She is a development
assistant at Franklin Community
Health Network, and is engaged
to marry Evan Thornton in June
2009. Elizabeth Riley earned an
MA in education from Springfield
College in 2007. Esther Johnson
joined Creative Work Systems of
Portland in August as a team leader. Hilary Kurlanska married Tom
‘99 in October. She is a health
teacher at Bonny Eagle Middle
School, and Tom is a finish carpenter with Ventura & Son Stair
Builders. They are living in Saco.
Alex Lovell returned from Iraq
in December, and he and Randi
LeBlanc ‘02 and their puppy Nanook have moved to Anchorage,
AK. Matthew Wood and Kathline
Brichetto welcomed a son, Devon,
in November. Morgan Gregoire
and Danielle Boucher of Biddeford
announced the birth of a daughter, Olivia, in November. Joshua
Tripp and Lorie Fecteau welcomed
a daughter, Faith, in July 2007.
Sarah Fluet earned an associate
degree at Southern Maine Community College in culinary arts, and a
BA in food service management at
Johnson and Wales. She is working as a manager for ARAMARK
at USM. Nicholas Bell is a second
year law student at Duquesne
University. In July 2007 he married Patricia O’Connor Freyvogel
in Pittsburgh, PA. Katherine Michaud is living in Washington,
DC, and working at the Office of
Management and Budget. Heather
Crocker graduated from the University of Southern Maine in May
2007 with a degree in theater. She
interned during the summer at
Winnipesaukee Playhouse in Laconia, NH, and hopes to continue
with a career in stage management
and lighting design. Randi LeBlanc and Alex Lovell ‘01 and their
puppy Nanook have moved to
Anchorage, AK. Justin LaChance
and Danielle Brown ‘05 welcomed
a daughter, Lillian, in November.
The family lives in Dayton. Jennifer Clanton and her boy friend JT
Banks of Kentucky announced the
arrival of a baby girl, Jasmyne, in
Katy Moy presented her senior
music recital in jazz and classical
voice at the University of Southern Maine in December. Monica
Russo graduated from Massachusetts College of Art in May 2007,
Ashley Peterson graduated from
Springfield College last spring,
and Rebecca Wagner earned a
degree from Hamilton College.
Andrew Camden completed the
four-year officer development
program at the U.S. Naval Acad-
emy in Annapolis, MD, in May
2007 with a degree in mechanical
engineering. He went on to Pensacola for flight school and Corpus Christi for flight training. He’s
enjoying the experience, and isn’t
sure of his next assignment. Ben
Haley graduated from Bucknell
University in the spring of 2007
with a BS in business management. He is interning at Portland
Magazine. Jessica Sicard graduated from Mount Ida College last
spring with a BS in interior design.
She works for the Martin Group at
the Boston Design Center in South
Boston and lives in Brighton. Jessica Beliveau announced the birth
of a daughter, Calliegh, in March
2007. Jessica Paul is living in the
Bangor/Brewer area with her fiance, David Butler, of Stratton, ME.
Jessica is working in the operating room at Maine Coast Memorial
Hospital in Ellsworth as a certified
surgical technologist and continues to pursue First Assist School.
Cory Lefrebvre and Elyce Bonnell
of Saco welcomed a son, Isaac, in
December. A son, Jackson, was
born to Errin Abbott Picard and
her husband Jean in July.
Tom Madden finished his soccer
career at Bryant University last
October, and will go into the record books with the best goalsagainst average in the program’s
history. “Every year he just kept
getting better,” said his coach.
Tom is majoring in finance. Kayla
Viger St. Pierre and her husband
Ryan welcomed the birth of a son,
Gregory, in November. He joins a
sister, Devynn, 1. A daughter, Hannah, was born to Erica LaPointe
and Derek Goff of Biddeford in
October. Tyler Birkemose a nd his
wife Tamika of Saco welcomed a
daughter, Kianna, in November.
Lisa Earnhardt is engaged to marry
Matthew Oliver in May 2009. And
Maeghan McLaughlin is engaged
to Chad Lizotte. They had a son,
Kaleb, in August. Jeffrey Antoine
and Whitney Peterson welcomed a
daughter, Trinity, in June.
Jessica Janson is in her third year
at University of Southern Maine,
majoring in accounting, and works
full time at Rivergreen Bank. Danielle Sullivan, a music education
major at University of Maine/Orono, is studying at the University
of Wales in Bangor, Wales, this
year. Jaclyn Perry bought a home
in August and has owned Jan-Pro
Cleaning Systems since December
2006. She is working on a degree
in business. Kelsey Gobeil married Bradley Earley in June 2007.
They are both employed by the
U.S. Navy in San Diego and live
in Imperial Beach, CA. Danielle
Brown and Justin LaChance ‘02
welcomed a daughter, Lillian, in
November. The family lives in
Dayton. Danielle Coon and Brad
Bell welcomed a daughter, Kylie,
in January.
Christian List sends greetings to
his classmates. He visited China
For more information on upcoming reunions, contact the Alumni Office at
[email protected], or (207) 282-3361, x234, or check the TA Web
site at
Sat., Sept. 20. The 15th annual reunion luncheon for
the Classes of 1927-1957. 11:30 a.m. at TA’s Atkinson
Dining Commons. Watch for an invitation in August,
or call the Alumni Office at 207/282-3361 x234.
Sat., Sept. 27
Morning—class reunion activities, campus
tours, Athletic Hall of Fame induction.
12 pm—parade, 1:30—football game vs.
Westbrook. Alumni welcome to participate
in the parade!
60th Reunion. The class will join others at the Senior
Alumni Reunion on Sat., Sept. 20, then gather for
breakfast on Sun., Sept. 21 at 9 am at Captain’s Galley.
Janet Garon Huot—207/283-3052.
50th Reunion. Sat., Sept. 27. Homecoming. The class
plans a continental breakfast & campus tour, special
seats at the football game, & dinner at Captain’s Galley.
More information soon.
The reunion committee is meeting now to plan a fun time.
If you’d like to join us, we’d love to have you! Lois Currier
No reunion planned. If you’re interested in organizing
a get-together, call the Alumni Office—207/282-3361
x234 or [email protected].
No plans yet. If you’d like to help organize a reunion,
contact the Alumni Office.
Sat., Sept 27. Homecoming. The committee is planning
a fun celebration, with breakfast & a campus tour in
the morning, the parade and football game, and an
evening event at Biddeford Saco Country Club. John
Rondeau— [email protected]
Sat., Sept 27. Homecoming. Morning campus tour,
evening get-together at Mulligan’s. Kim Graffam Pierce
– [email protected] or 282-9865.
One idea that’s in the air: Fri. & Sat., July 18 &19.
Lakefront or oceanfront family party, optional camping.
Ideas, suggestions, more info: Jon Stewart at jon@
Bob LePauloue is getting some folks together to plan
a casual celebration, maybe at Homecoming. If you’re
interested in helping, contact him soon—robert.
[email protected] or 282-3361 x332.
Sat., Sept. 27. Homecoming. Classmates are planning
a campus tour and fun get-together. Contact Caron
Smith Pelletier—[email protected].
in March 2007 with the Eckerd
College Choir as part of a cultural exchange. “One of our performances was on the Great Wall.
The trip was life changing. I will
be attending fall semester in London,” Christian wrote. Jacquelyn
Linscott married Jeffrey Milosevic
in October. They plan to live in
Biddeford after Private Milosevic’s
tour of duty in Iraq.
Jason Perreault graduated from
basic training at Great Lakes Naval Training Station in Illinois in
August and was transferred to
Norfolk, VA, where he is attached
to the VFA-143 F-18 fighter squadron.