Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Summer 2009 | Page 16

Postscripts NONPROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID Portland, ME 04101 Permit #218 Thornton Academy 438 Main St Saco ME 04072-1565 Change Service Requested New President, Four New Members Named to Alumni Board In May, four new members were named to the Thornton Academy Alumni Board and David LePauloue ’84 became its new president. LePauloue, who has served on the Alumni Board for the past six years and also served as a member in the 1980s, is Chief Deputy Clerk in U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the district of Maine. He and his wife, Rachel, have two sons: Joshua, who’s about to enter the sixth grade, and David, who will begin his freshman year at TA in the fall. He says it’s an exciting time as “great new people” join the group. The board members are: •Kyle Bolduc ’96 of Saco. He is Vice President and Business Banking Officer at Bangor Savings Bank and is married to Angela Daigneault. They have two children, Troy and Cora. •Helen McAuliffe Corriveau ’81 of Lyman. She works for the Maine Department of Labor as a Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor. She is married to Richard Corriveau ’81. •Benjamin Harris ’99 of Dayton. He is a teacher at Saco Middle School and is married to Arelle Harris. They have a daughter, Lily. •Harry Nielson ’69 of Saco. He is Production Coordinator at Flotation Technologies in Biddeford. He and wife Deborah Larose Nielson ’71 have two sons who graduated from Thornton: Luke Nielson ’08 and Andrew Nielson ’03. Each of the four members stepping down served significant time on the board and have volunteered many hours at alumni gatherings and special events. They are former Alumni Board president Patricia Martin Beaudoin ’71, former Alumni Board president Kenneth Janson ’72, Mary Ann Stickles Martin ’78 and Kathy Boutet Santamore ’80. Janson and Santamore are currently serving on the Board of Trustees while Martin continues to work as an administrative assistant in Thornton’s Guidance Office. “The departing members will definitely be missed because of their history, dedication and service to the Alumni Board,” LePauloue said. David LePauloue ’84 Kyle Boldoc ’96 Helen McAuliffe Corriveau ’81 Ben Harris ’99 Harry Nielson ’69