Thornton Academy Postscripts Alumni Magazine Fall 2019 | Page 28
Philip Laveriere
Janet Leary-Prowse
Marc & Kelly Lombard LeBlond
David & Karen Kane Lemoine
John & Dianne Lemoine
Suzanne Cote Lemont
Robert & Alexandra LePauloue
Barry & Ellen Haas Levine
Allie Sherman Libby
William Lindquist
Log Cabin Perennials
David A. Loranger
James Lowe
Roula Maalouf
Richard A. Maxwell
Mark & Susan McDonough
Lakeisha Miller
Marjorie Johnson Miller
Richard & Ann Milliard
Peter Mohlin
Alison Leach Moore
Pamela Buck Moriarty
Jack & Sheri Morrison
Mary Neal Morrison
Guy R. Nadeau
Jeffrey A. Nathanson
Old Vines Wine Bar
Omkara Yoga & Reiki
Christopher & Anne O’Neil
Fredrick & Mary Celia Perry O’Neil
Tom & Joy Palmer
Douglas Parker
David A. Patriquin
Virginia T. Paul
Allan Pelletier
Guy & Shelley Arnold Picard
Michael & Carol Prejean
Elizabeth Procter-Gray
Scott & Jean Proctor
Roland & Margaret Vangel Regis
Susan Dupuis Rice
Pamela Roberts & Scott McInturff
Peter & Carrie Bernier Rondeau
Betsy Greene Ross
William M. Sanborn
Charles N. Scamman
Raymond Shorey
Allen R. & Mary Kiely Sicard
Kevin J. & Linda Simard
Dale & Lynne Siulinski
Jennifer Vire Spees
Carole Warren Spiller
William & Marjorie Leary Stanton
Christopher Stasio
Kellie A. Therriault
Ed & Carole Thompson
Norris L. Thurston
Steven Trask
Andrew & Amanda Brewer Tripp
K. Aldene Walters
Wardwell Home for the Aging, Inc.
Louis & Tara Grace Waterhouse
Jeffrey Waters
Roger & Barbara Wentworth
Neil D. West
Wiggly Bridge Distillery
Douglas & Pamela Willett
Winds of Harmony
Joan Crogan Youngs
Matthew L. Zehner
Golden Trojan Club
Gifts up to $99
Anonymous (2)
A2Z Custom Embroidery
Acapello Salons & Spa
Steven & Gail Agreste
Marshall & Carole Alexander
Joanne Foss Allen
Kathy Allen
Amato’s Sandwich Shop
Amtrak Downeaster
Paul Arabatzis
Jay Armstrong
Aroma Joe’s
Baird Foundation
Banded Brewing
Bay View Company
Ethel Boothby Beaudoin
Patricia Hobbs Bedell
Nicholas Belair
Susan Frappier Bellerose
Ellen Clark Benodin
Ronald & Sally Berube
James & Charlene Bickford
Biddeford City Theater
Big 20 Bowl Center
Gerard Bilodeau
Kevin W. Birkemose
James & Carol Boutet Black, Jr.
Blais Massage Therapeutics
Sharon Verrier Blakeslee
Bob & Mike’s Mini-Mart
Christopher C. Boucouvalas
Rita Choroszy Boudreau
Margaret "Peggy" Moore Bourque
Constance Auger Boutet
Constance Sellers Briggs
Brittany Brown
L. Lincoln Brown, Jr.
Frederick & Susan Emerson Burgess
Marjorie Lamb Burgin
Catherine Burke
Susan Canning Burnell
Jennifer Conley Burnett
Charlie Buzby
Brian L. Callahan
Richard & Joan Bouffard Camire
Carr Eats
Jennifer Casazza
Casco Bay Lines
Jason R. Cassette
Ruth McGovern Chadbourne
Sandra Charette
William & Norma MacLeod Chenard
Children’s Museum & Theatre of
Donald* & Frances Watson Church
Maryellen Cianchette
John & Gail Cloutier
Alton B. Cole
Coletti’s Pizza Factory
Richard & Madeleine Cote
Sophocles Cotsis
Cowbell Burger Bar
Cheryl Gibson Cuneo
Christine Dalapas
Megan Dall
Ryan Davis
Jane Deane
Timothy Desmarais
Amy Levasseur DesRoberts
Paula Devino
Dickinson’s Candy
Beverly Grant Dodge
Dogfish Bar & Grille
Robert & Patricia Aube Doiron
Nicholas & Christina Doukeris
Denise Doyon & Sarah E. Moore, M.D.
Wendell C. Drown
Norman R. Dubois
Roland E. Dubois
Todd & Lisa Smith Duchaine
Meredith Duffy
Dupuis Hardware & Locksmith, Inc.
Darlene Dutille-Janiszewski
Stephen & Susan Black Ebling
Elements: Books Coffee Beer
Pamela Deschambeault Emerson
Suzanne Emmons
Fernleaf Bakery
Fidelity Charitable
Stephen Fogg
Rhonda & Max Folmer
Richard P. Gagnon
Scott Gallant
Michelle Cote Gallitto
Barry & Pamela Garabedian
Jane Fogg Garvin
Amy Johnson Glidden
Gonneville Farm
Jared & Amy Bartlett Goodness
David & Kim Goren
Gorham Bike & Ski
Ben Grasso
Michael & Mary Lou Bedard Gray
L. Robert & Barbara Guignard
Jessica Libby Halle
David & Michelle Ham
Jessica Beaudoin Hamilton
Hannaford Food & Drug Saco
Harris Farm & X-Country Ski Center
Harris Turkey Farm
Jeffrey M. Harper
Jeffrey Harris
Bill Harrison
Merrill Henderson & Joseph Seale
Cassandra Henson
Ryan & Suzanne Hersey
Therese Hersey
Priscilla Haase Hickey
Donald & June Wells Hill
Helen Rancourt Hilton
Larry Hooper
Keith Jalbert
Priscilla Cote Jalbert
Jimmy the Greek’s
Jennifer Johnson
David & Carolyn Winslow Johnson
Mary Sawyer Jordan
Sharon L. Kelley
Judith & David Kennedy
Beatrice Scamman Kiesow
Andy Kochis
Shirley Harrisburg Korobkin
Timothy Lacroix
Lady & The Mensch
Kevin & Carla Lafortune
Harvey LaMontagne, Jr.
Kristin LaPlante
Stephen Lariviere
Gary & Catherine Roberts Larkin
Roland Ledoux
Donna Hill Lee
William & Lorri Lemieux
Joseph C. & Patricia LePauloue
Walter Lewis
Marjorie A. Mullen Lord
Elizabeth O’Neil Lowry
Joanne MacDonald
Maine Indoor Karting
Maine Wildlife Park
Jane Bellevue Maloney
Jerry & Liz Mansfield
Terry & Irene Morin Martell
Esther Burnside Martindale
Patricia A. Massie
Christopher McCallum
Florence Ross McCormick
Michael & Helen Andrews McInnis
Jane Atkinson McKechnie
David McNabb
Dennis & Paula Benoit McNabb
Maurice Merrill
Anthony & Sharon Michaud
Bruce C. Miller
Sarah E. Moore, M.D.
Lucien & Judith Morse Morin
Ernie Morrill
Arlene Maddox Murchison
Muriel Thompson Nado
Hal & Marcia Neal
Rosemary Fortier Newell
Heather Ney
Alicia Nichols
Rosemary Aaron Nitkin
Michelle Nadeau O’Brien
O’Reilly’s Cure
Otto Pizza – Saco
Shawn & Amy Huot Ouellette
Papa John’s
Part & Parcel
Eric Patoine
Shirley Peck*
Jeannine Pendleton
Thomas Perkins